/ Precision Measuring Tools / Precision Hand Tools / Micrometers / Micrometer Accessories / 3206 * Not actual product image 68917 3206 Outside Micrometer Stand 68917 Other similar products Stand converts outside micrometers to a sturdy bench gage for batch inspection of small parts. Useful as a handy bench vise or assembly fixture. Features Specifications Parts Downloads Contact Starrett Features 16mm and 5/8" capacity 45 degree inclination Starrett 13mm(1/2") and 25mm (1") outside micrometers, 2 and 2A 2" micrometers and 210, 220, 483, 485, 569 special purpose micrometers Specifications Fits Starrett Series: Starrett 1/2" (13mm) and 1" (25mm) outside micrometers, 2 and 2A 2" micrometers and 210, 220, 483, 485, 569 special purpose micrometers Parts Member of Kit Item #DescriptionPart No.QtyInformation 10CLAMP KNOBBR-14461 20MOVEABLE PRESSURE PADBR-14411 30FIXED PRESSURE PADBR-14421 40ADJUSTING KNOBBR-14441 50NAMEPLATE45367-01 60BASE ASSEMBLYNOT AVAILABLE801 Downloads Catalog 33 - Section 1 - Micrometers In the hands of a skilled operator, the precision micrometer is the most accurate hand-held tool available. When close measurements are necessary, the micrometer is the ideal tool for the job because measurement and reading are on the same axis and the anvil end is supported by a strong frame. Precision Hand Tools (Catalog 33) 612 page catalog featuring precision hand tool, force measurement, vison systems, optical comparators, laser measurement, and flat stock.